Gillamii Centre

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Assessment of Fauna Populations in 4 Priority Remnant Vegetation Sites to Produce Information to Assess

Period: 2012-13

Funding Body: Dept Parks & Wildlife

Funds: $26,200

Project Officers: Genevieve Harvey


This project will assess 4 priority remnant bush areas that have been identified as potentially housing species identified as a threatened such as Black Gloved Wallabies, Numbats, Red Tailed Phascogales and Bandicoots. The surveying will give an indication of the species that can be found within these priority sites.

A contractor will conduct fauna surveys that will provide some information on the occurrence of the above listed species.

A report will be produced detailing the information gathered through this survey which will be available for wider consumption.


  • The Gillamii Centre was involved in the completion of a Conservation Action Plan (CAP) for the Forest to Stirling’s Gondwana-link area. (See attached file: Forest to Stirling’s Booklet). This CAP allows for more effective conservation efforts through a focus on nested targets with explicitly identified threats and strategies to address these threats, agreed on through rigorous collaborative processes. An issue brought up in developing and implementing the CAP is the lack of knowledge regarding the distribution of Black Gloved Wallaby populations, in fact there is very little knowledge available on any of the smaller (35 – 5,500g) native mammals within this Forest to Stirling’s area.

    Through information gathered in this project, we will be able to target fauna conservation activities in areas where significant/threatened species are present, as opposed to ad-hoc activities where outcomes are likely to be less than optimal
