Gillamii’s Commitment
The Gillamii Centre is one of the key grower groups in WA, founded in 1994 by primary producers who identified a need for disseminating latest research and technology on agricultural production, biosecurity and conservation to land managers in the area. A defining strength of the producers in our group is their knowledge and experience in adapting their farming systems to rehabilitate and make profitable use of salt-affected land. For at least three decades Gillamii has attracted research institutions, agencies and funding to work with on-farm experiments and extension programs such as the Sustainable Grazing on Saline Lands (SGSL) program in WA and the Salinity Knowledge and Exchange program of the Future Farm Industries CRC, as well as several Gillamii-initiated projects.
In 2018, Gillamii received funding from the State NRM Community Stewardship Grants stream for our Regenerative Saline and Marginal Landscapes in Southern WA project, now known as the Productive Saltland Pastures for Southern WA Project. The focus of this project is to produce extension products to help support farmers across the WA agricultural regions to regenerate saline and marginal areas of land by:
Constructing a dynamic website for current knowledge and a mobile application for on-farm solutions (SaltlandGenie Web-App)
Online Education Resources (podcasts and training modules)
Saltland Masterclass Workshops
Community Demonstration Sites
To find out more about this project please follow this link:
For resources and tools that are being developed through this project please follow this link: