Fauna EPBC Species

EPBC Act (Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999) provides for the listing of nationally threatened native species and ecological communities, native migratory species, and marine species.

Natural Assets Nicola Edwards Natural Assets Nicola Edwards
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Orchid List Frankland River Loc 1997

Frankland River local Jim Parry has compiled a list of orchids found on Loc 1997 at the Southern entrance to the townsite. This special piece of diverse bush provides a wide variety of native plants and an opportunity for birds and other animals to move across the landscape safely.

Natural Assets Nicola Edwards Natural Assets Nicola Edwards

Publication Date: Unknown Author: Green Skills Document Type: Brochure - .pdf 2.3mb

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Carnaby’s Black Cockatoo and your Farm (Birdlife Australia)

Carnaby’s Black-Cockatoo is one of two white-tailed black-cockatoos found in South-western Australia. They are found from Kalbarri in the north to Cape Arid in the east. The Carnaby’s generally (though not always) nest in the Wheatbelt. The very similar looking Baudin’s Black Cockatoos are found in the wetter South West, but their ranges overlap in some areas.

Natural Assets Nicola Edwards Natural Assets Nicola Edwards

Publication Date: Unknown Author: Birdlife Australia Document Type: Booklet - .pdf 972kb

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Hooded Plover and Salt Lakes foreshore Conservation North Stirlings 2018

This is a short-term Hooded Plover and Salt Lakes foreshore conservation project based at the Balicup Group of Wetlands, a series of salt lakes to the north of the Cranbrook townsite. Key tasks include, undertaking surveys, register Hooded Plover sightings on Birdlife portals and recommendations to landholders relating to fencing, predator control, islands, revegetation and stock management.

Natural Assets Nicola Edwards Natural Assets Nicola Edwards

Publication Date: 31 /3/2018 Author: Tony Peterson Document Type: Project Report - .pdf 3.9mb

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Declared Rare Flora in the Katanning District 2000

This report provides a brief description and information on the distribution, habitat and conservation status of flora declared as rare under the Western Australian Wildlife Conservation Act (Threatened Flora) in CALM’s Katanning District and makes recommendations for research and management actions necessary to ensure their continued survival. https://florabase.dpaw.wa.gov.au/

Natural Assets Nicola Edwards Natural Assets Nicola Edwards

Publication Date: 12/3/19 Author: Mal Graham and Murray Mitchell Document Type: Report - .pdf 1.3mb

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