Year 6 Primary School Ecological Camp
(Tambellup, Broomehill, Cranbrook & Frankland River Primary Schools)
Period: Annual
Funding Body: Bendigo Community Bank Tambellup/Cranbrook, South Coast NRM, National Landcare Program, Flat Rocks Wind Farm, Tambellup Community Cropping Group and Mount Barker Co-operative
Funds: $5,000
Project Officers: Ashley Marjoram
Gillamii has co-ordinated the Barna Mia camp since 2009, seeing multiple cohorts of year six students from Cranbrook, Frankland River, and Tambellup Primary School experience the Dryandra Woodlands and the biodiversity it has to offer. Students travel to the Dryandra Woodlands National Park, where more than 850 species of flora and fauna can be seen throughout the year. This camp compliments the on-going Connecting Kids to Country environmental education program, which aims to support positive environmental attitudes and increase knowledge and awareness within our future stewards of the landscape
On completion of the overnight camp year 6 primary school students from our local schools will have:
A increased awareness of Western Australia's threatened species and the need to conserve biodiversity
Have an improved understanding of Western Australia unique ecosystems, and how introduced animals effect food webs
Use radio-tracking equipment to locate radio-collared animals
Work with a range of different traps to catch different animals including setting and checking traps along with hands on animal handling, measuring and release techniques
Viewing some of Australia's most threatened species such as the Bilby, Boodie, Woylie, and Mala
Investigating life on the woodland floor where tiny animals crawl, dig and wriggle, during this hands on discovery activity students enter the world of these small but incredible invertebrates.