Current Projects Nicola Edwards Current Projects Nicola Edwards

Greening the Great Southern

Funding Body: Landcare Australia
Funds: $17,600.00

Gillamii will collaborate with the local community, catchment groups, and shires to establish seedlings and promote environmental sustainability in the region. In collaboration with legacy funding donated by a retired local farmer facilitated through Regional Development Australia (RDA Great Southern Branch), this project aims to plant 20,500 seedlings across the Kent-Frankland region.

Together the Greening the Great Southern initiative honors this legacy through the power of landholder stewardship, contributing to the much-needed restoration and improvement of marginal lands in the Great Southern region.

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Current Projects Nicola Edwards Current Projects Nicola Edwards

Protecting and Restoring the Fitz-Stirling Priority Place

Funding Body: Australian Government under the Saving Native Species Program and South Coast NRM
Funds: $198,802.50

The project will conserve and restore the Fitz-Stirling Priority Place by implementing key management actions for its fauna, flora, threatened ecological communities and people. Through coordinated collaboration with partner organisations, the project will use a cross-tenure, landscape approach and build on concurrent Natural Heritage Trust investments.

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Current Projects Nicola Edwards Current Projects Nicola Edwards

A Reforestation Project- RDA Great Southern

Funding Body: Regional Development Australia Great Southern
Funds: $100,000

A legacy generously left by a retired Great Southern Farmer, greening the Great Southern region aiding much needed landscape restoration, beautification, and marginal land improvement. Gillamii will work with the local community and co-ordinate and collaborate with the catchment groups and local shires to establish seedlings and ensure positive outcomes for environmental and agricultural sustainability within the region. The funding enables a range of plantings to be undertaken by land managers including shelter belts, salt land mitigation and fodder systems, and native revegetation, while adequately supporting our regional NRM groups to execute these essential activities.

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Current Projects Nicola Edwards Current Projects Nicola Edwards

SaltDECK Native Revegetation Guide

Funding Body: State NRM
Funds: $34,046

The Saltland Genie WebApp contains a set of interactive tools designed to assist land managers understand salinity and utilise plant-based systems to remediate salt affected land. One of the resources integrated into the Genie is the SALTdeck, containing information on salt-tolerant pasture species and their potential uses.

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Acquitted Projects 2014-2023 Nicola Edwards Acquitted Projects 2014-2023 Nicola Edwards

Farmers Helping Farmers to Maximise Soil-Moisture & Production in Prolonged Drought Areas

Funding Body: South Coast NRM through Australian Government Future Drought Fund
Funds: $143,616.75

This project is a collaboration between Gillamii, South Coast NRM and Ravensthorpe Agricultural Initiative Network to deliver 3 modules of activities which focus on drought mitigation and planning through shared experiences and farmer networking.

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