Protecting and Restoring the Fitz-Stirling Priority Place

Period: 2024 - 2026
Funding Body: Australian Government’s Saving Native Species Program and South Coast Natural Resource Management
Funds: $198,802.50
Project Officers: Ashley Marjoram


The project will conserve and restore the Fitz-Stirling Priority Place by implementing key management actions for its fauna, flora, threatened ecological communities and people. Actions will include mapping of Phytophthora dieback to identify and prioritise sites for management action, securing threatened flora through seed collection, propagation and translocations, integrated pest control, habitat augmentation, weeding and livestock access control and, supporting First Nations cultural practices. Through coordinated collaboration with partner organisations, the project will use a cross-tenure, landscape approach and build on concurrent Natural Heritage Trust investments.

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Gillamii will conduct an integrated pest control program managing Feral Cats, European Foxes and European Rabbits throughout the north-western portion of the Fitz-Stirling Priority Place, providing a buffer around the Stirling Range National Park and the identified priority species and communities in which occur throughout the area.

  • Address habitat decline and degradation impacting Carnaby Cockatoos through a targeted ‘Breed and Feed’ revegetation program.

  • Engage our local schools through the Connecting Kids to Country Program, supporting a hands-on approach to learning about threatened Flora and Fauna communities within the Fitz-Stirling Priority Place including Malleefowl, Carnaby Cockatoos, and the Kwongkan Threatened Ecological Community.


Report will be available on project completion.

Nicola Edwards

Circumnavigator. Graphic Designer. Web Designer.

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