Greening the Great Southern

Period: 2024 - 2025
Funding Body: Landcare Australia
Funds: $17,600.00
Project Officers: Ashley Marjoram


Gillamii will collaborate with the local community, catchment groups, and shires to establish seedlings and promote environmental sustainability in the region. In collaboration with legacy funding donated by a retired local farmer facilitated through Regional Development Australia (RDA Great Southern Branch), this project aims to plant 20,500 seedlings across the Kent-Frankland region.

Together the Greening the Great Southern initiative honors this legacy through the power of landholder stewardship, contributing to the much-needed restoration and improvement of marginal lands in the Great Southern region.

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Maintain, protect, and enhance natural assets within the Kent-Frankland sub-region.

  • Conserve and recover biodiversity within the Forest-Stirlings corridor, creating linkages of vegetative corridors across our landscape.

  • Build resilience into the farming enterprise by encouraging key elements of sustainable agriculture such as waterlogging and salinity management and greater landscape ecosystem function.

  • Encourage and support landholder environmental stewardship.


Report will be available on project completion.

Nicola Edwards

Circumnavigator. Graphic Designer. Web Designer.

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